Sunday, December 13, 2015

World of Disney 3 - Epilogue (w/ Commentary Notes from the Author, Sean Livingston)

Epilogue: Left Behind
Muppet Theater – 1982
(Editorial Note: World of Disney 3 was officially completed August 21, 2015 on That is approximately eight months and ten days of writing two hundred and five pages and twenty chapters, including the prologue and this epilogue. Comparing it with the first two World of Disney installments, which you can view here and here, its time of production is longer than The Marvelous World: World of Disney 2 but shorter than World of Disney, its amount of chapters is the shortest of the trilogy, and it is the longest story in the trilogy.)
            The hours passed since the enigmatic arrival of the teenage blonde, whose name Joanie found out to be “Sierra.” She locked herself, along with Vanessa, into the middle dressing room at the upstairs landing. She never made it clear exactly how she would heal the redhead of her life-threatening wounds, only that she needed the necessary space to do it. Of course, the theatre residents – particularly Joanie – could venture a guess from the eerie golden/rainbow glow that shone through the crevices of the closed dressing room door.
(Narrative Note: These are reincarnation colors shining through the door, which suggets that Vanessa has changed forms within the dressing room. We will meet her successor in the events of Tales from the Battlefront.)
            Night gave way to morning. Everyone was too keyed up about the circumstances occurring around them to sleep. So Joanie, Diana, Kermit, Robin, Gonzo, Fozzie, Scooter, Bunsen, and Beaker took the opportunity to share the story of their adventure in 1977 to Ashley, Rizzo, and even Animal, who lost interest halfway in and left.
            Diana had the Swedish Chef, who arrived to work bright and early that next morning, whip them up his finest blueberry pancakes when the story got as far as Joanie’s mind being warped into believing she was Ariel.
(Narrative Note: This occurs in Chapter Nineteen of World of Disney.)
            Eventually, once they reached the conclusion, Ashley and Rizzo found it all difficult to believe. “You’re telling us that you gained superpowers from this whatchamacallit that you banished to some alternate universe five years ago, which you discovered earlier in the hands of the bad guys from that ridiculous space movie you love so much?” Ashley made it all sound even crazier from the condescending way she recounted the details.
            “Whadda bunch of baloney,” muttered Rizzo, followed by a loud belch of satisfaction from the huge stack of pancakes he nearly finished. “Speakin’ of, can Chef get some fried bologna wit dis?”
            Joanie, sitting beside Tomas at the foot of the stairwell to the dressing rooms, was slightly offended by their disbelief. “Don’t believe me?” She chuckled. “Just watch.”
            “Joanie,” Diana whispered, lingering on the last syllable of her name in that reprimanding manner. She worried of the boastful showmanship her daughter was capable of, especially with that magic of hers. And Diana knew more than anyone else how intoxicating those abilities could be, having worn the hat herself one Christmas since the events of 1977.
(Narrative Note: This account took place in one of the four tales told in A World of Disney Christmas. It was the only time someone other than Joanie, her reincarnations, or those of Sean Thomas has worn the sorcerer hat and been a Guardian. In this occasion, it was done to teach a lesson for Joanie never to abuse her power for showing off.)
            Joanie gave a reassuring wink to her mother before proceeding to demonstrate. She placed her right hand over her empty plate and motioned it up by a foot. The eyes of Ashley and Rizzo opened in conjunction with their mouths, seeing the foot-high stack of fried bologna on her once-empty plate.
            “Whoa!” They both exclaimed.
            Handing the steaming plate of bologna to Rizzo, the rat dug into the magically conjured meal right away. After a dozen bites, he jubilantly admitted with a mouthful of bologna, “It’s real! IT’S REAL!”
            For the first time in her life, Ashley smiled with a hint of pride for Joanie. “You really are a wizard,” she said in response to her cousin’s otherworldly gift.
            Joanie modestly smirked. “I prefer ‘sorceress,’ actually.”
(Factual Note: The actual female term for "wizard" or "warlock is "witch." One of its synonyms is in fact "sorceress," in addition to "enchantress," "necromancer," "Wiccan," and "pythoness.")
            “I prefer ‘meal ticket,’” Rizzo uttered, recognizing the dirty stares he garnered from that remark. “Hey, I meant dat as a compliment. Sheesh!” Sensing the hostility, he picked up his half-finished plate and left the backstage area to eat elsewhere.
            Soon after Rizzo was gone, Ashley brought her attention back to Joanie: “So what else can you do?”
            Joanie considered her answer. “Well…so many things, really. I can travel through time, travel between dimensions, change my hair color, change my whole appearance…” She glanced to Tomas, as he scooped the last bits of his pancake off his plate and into his mouth. “…and give myself a baby.”
            A loud gulp was heard out of him. He swallowed the last bits of his pancake just as he heard Joanie end her short list on that astonishing detail. He looked to her, seeing that growing smile on her face, which just confirmed his suspicion. Diana, Ashley, Kermit, Robin, Gonzo, Fozzie, Scooter, Bunsen, and Beaker were just as stunned as he was, hearing this news Joanie so casually exposed.
            “Wah…W-We’re…We’re going to have…a baby?” Tomas eagerly stammered.
            Joanie nodded and smiled, overjoyed.
            Setting his plate aside, the equally elated Tomas jumped from his spot on the staircase and cheered in Swahili. He lifted his wife up from the stairs to twirl and embrace her, exchanging a happy kiss to the congratulatory applause of those around them.
(Narrative Note: It is intended for Joanie's pregnancy to be one of the focal points in Tales from the Battlefront.)
            “How ‘bout that, Diana,” Kermit said, “You’re going to be a grandmother!”
            The joy Diana felt for her daughter and son-in-law dropped instantly, daunted by the reality Kermit just laid on her. “And here I thought having a great-great-grandchild made me feel old,” she sulked. Thankfully, Joanie was there to help lift her spirits again, hugging her beautifully youthful mother.
            It seemed as if nothing could take away this exuberant moment for the residents of the Muppet Theatre…
            …until they were distracted from a bright golden light that flashed near them.
            Their eyes turned to the source, seeing a small child who bore a six-year-old resemblance to Tomas in the eyes of Diana, Ashley, Kermit, Robin, Gonzo, Fozzie, Scooter, Bunsen, and Beaker. Joanie and Tomas, on the other hand, recognized this child to be Benji, their future great-grandson.
            He stood alone in the spot that he teleported upon in the backstage area. This concerned Joanie, who rushed to Benji immediately. Kneeling to his level, she could see the lost, frightened look on his tear-soaked face. “Benji,” she softly said, “what’s wrong, sweetheart? Why aren’t you in White Mountain?” She knew it didn’t matter where he was, so long as he was safe from whatever war that undoubtedly erupted on Fantasia, following her departure.
            “Where’s Granddaddy?” Benji asked, noticeably shaken.
            Joanie warmly smiled. “Oh, honey. He’s…She’s right up there.” She gestured to the visible upstairs dressing room. “What do you say we go up and see her?” Benji nodded, prompting Joanie to take her great-grandson by the hand and lead him up the stairs, with the others following.
            “That’s Benji?” Robin whispered, amazed.
            “Yeah,” Scooter replied. “Joanie’s great-grandson, and Diana great-great…”
            “I think he gets it. Thank you, Scooter,” Diana sharply told the gofer.
            Nearing the locked door to the middle dressing room, Joanie noticed the crevices no longer glowed as they had in the last hours. It possibly signified the completion of whatever healing process Sierra practiced on Vanessa. If that was the case, why hadn’t Sierra or Vanessa walked out?
            Joanie knocked. “Hello? Sierra? Is it alright to come in now? There’s a special little visitor here who wants to see Vanessa.”
            There was no answer.
            “Maybe they’re asleep?” Gonzo presumed.
            As plausible as the weirdo’s guess could have been, Joanie refused to take any chances. Pointing her right index finger towards the lock, she magically picked it to permit herself, Benji, and the others to enter.
            To their surprise and confusion, the room was unoccupied.
            Diana frowned. “Where on earth did they go?”

            “Might wanna rephrase that question,” a disconcerted Joanie told her mother. “Because I’ve got a bad feeling they aren’t on Earth anymore.”

World of Disney 3


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